Here is an extensive documentary of his artistic career, first tenor, then baritone. From 2003 to 2011 Walter Donati was a member of the opera-ensemble of the Baden State Opera-house Karlsruhe (Germany) – as heroic baritone. In this theatre he is still a highly valued and celebrated artist, esteemed both by the direction and the public. Donati is also internationally sought after by many opera-houses, open air opera and concert-halls. Reviews on this homepage testify to his niveau. At the Baden State Opera-house he was able to widen his repertoire. On the following pages is a definitive list of parts sung in both ranges. A list of conductors and producers with whom Walter Donati had the honour and happiness to work is also included. Also some of the theatres, open air stages and concert-halls where Donati appeared. Further a photographic survey demonstrates his unique artistic career. For opera-lovers some of his CDs and DVDs are listed. For those who are interested, it is possible to order two promotion-CDs which are not commercially available: – Walter Donati – Live – “Tenor & Baritone” – “My last Tenor-Recital” and various other recordings. It is possible to ask for the CDs via E-Mail:
On this homepage one receives a first impression, hearing Donati in tenor and baritone arias from one and the same operas; surely an unusual experience. There are also recordings on You Tube.
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For those who are interested in exchanging artistic experience with him, there is a special page under the name Studio for singing – “Italian Belcanto and Legato”.
At this point in his career, Walter Donati would like to thank all those opera-lovers, who through all the years followed his two careers with such sympathy and esteem.